Getting It Right, At least the Easy Stuff

Seems like today we tend to over complicate most things, and this applies extensively to our work environments. We over think our relationships, our job duties, we tend to read into an awful lot when there’s really no reason to do so. Especially if you get the easy stuff right. And the easy stuff is all totally free!

You’ll never go wrong if you always:

Show up on time – can’t hurt to even be early
Be professional – basically, use good manners and personal hygiene
Follow-up – this is becoming less and less instinctive

Being on time seems to be a bit of a lost art Good habits at workthese days in light of many in-formalities within our work environments but this is so easy to do it’s amazing that it should even have to be pointed out. Being on time shows you care. It shows you are being respectful of the person(s) who arranged the event, meeting, etc. People do notice and this is one easy way to create a positive impression for yourself and/or your team.

Being professional may take a bit more work than showing up on time but it’s still pretty basic stuff. Remember, you just can’t say “Thank You” enough! Be sure to always wear clothes that don’t look like you took them out of your hamper and really not if they smell like they did. Use a little attention to ensure you are well-groomed at all times and remember to say “please” and “excuse me”. But always be focused and engaged during meetings no matter the size of the group. Be a great listener first and politely give your feedback at the appropriate time. Use body language that shows you are open to everyone’s input. These may take some practice, but you will definitely be viewed as a total professional by customers and/or co-workers and most importantly your Management.

Follow-up is a habit that really is super easy but seems to be a forgotten trait. Always follow-up to confirm appointments, especially with customers and always send a follow-up after key meetings. The message doesn’t have to be lengthy but should confirm your understanding of the date and time and if sent after a meeting you should confirm your understanding of key points discussed and/or action items with due dates. So many times, people neglect to follow-up and they invariably lose potential customers or appear to not be engaged by the management of their company and may even lose out on promotions or key assignments.

So, focus on getting the “easy stuff” right so these become foundational positive habits!


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